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18th Artillery Group Member

Takio Fujii



Basic training Fort Knox, KY - April 15, 1964

2- 8 Week Training Ft Lewis, Washington - July 1964


Tak was one the men who moved daily in to IA-Drang Valley And Cateka Tea Plantation; he was one of men who moved 105 Howitzer's and ran Stakes for 2/17 Artillery during that Battle, and also was part of the 88th Infantry moving daily to help save the 7th Cavalry.
Tak was the Btry Commander Driver Pleiku Vietnam for Captain Laslie.
Tak never did like taking the Btry Commander Driving job, or digging fox holes for 1st Sgt Olin D. Schell.
One thing he did enjoy was was hitting a hole in road and throwing Capt. Laslie out on his head. He learning to drive the Jeep, taking over as driver after the previous driver, Sandy Lufrano, wrecked the Jeep (a State Farm Job we believe).  Tak never let the South Vietnam Soldiers call him "Same"... "Same", he said, "no, I am and American Soldier!"
Tak was Discharged at Oakland CA April 15, 1966.
Tak, and his sister Sedako, live in Itasca, Illinois.  There parents were taken to Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas at beginning of WW-2 as Refugee.  Tak and Sedako were both born at Ft. Chafffee, Arkansas.


Duty, Honor, Country, Family!




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